söndag, december 23, 2007

Film: Woody Allen #1.

”See, I’ve always had this… this penchant for what I call “kamikaze women”, because I… I call them kamikaze, because they crash their plane, they’re self destructive, but they crash it into you and you die along with them. As soon as there’s a challenge, as soon as there’s very little chance of working out – or no chance – or there’s gonna be hurtles or obstacles something clicks into my mind. Maybe that’s because I’m a writer, but some dramatic or aestetic component becomes right and I go after that person. There’s a certain dramatic ambiance that almost makes me fall in love with the person, in love with the situation in some way, and of course it has not worked out well for me, it has not been great. ”

- Woody Allen - Husbands & Wives

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